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Young Musician Support Award Scheme

How YMS Can Help YOU...

Joining YMS will provide access to many activities and opportunities which may not be available otherwise:

  • The chance to meet other talented young classical musicians from across North Devon
  • Free tickets to classical concerts
  • Opportunities to meet and work with visiting artists
  • Masterclasses with top musicians
  • Formal performance opportunities
  • Mentoring from experienced professional musicians and teachers
  • Financial help for those in need

Once a year, YMS holds auditions to find North Devon’s outstanding classical music students. The students should have been studying for at least a year and must be under the age of nineteen on September 1st next year.  They must show commitment and enthusiasm, as well as demonstrating ability on their instrument of choice.  YMS advertises the auditions in the local media as well as seeking nominations from schools and music teachers.

Applications can be made via the online form (click here to apply) or by post.  The form asks for contact information and details of the candidates’ musical experience.  There are also some questions for the parent/guardian.

YMS selects candidates to audition based on the information provided on the form plus a reference from the student’s teacher or school

Auditions are held in the Music Department at West Buckland School which offers facilities unavailable elsewhere locally, including practice rooms with pianos where the candidates can warm up, and a recital room with a grand piano for the auditions. There is also space for the parents and candidates to meet one another. If transport to and from West Buckland is an issue, please let us know as we may be able to help.
YMS is very grateful to West Buckland School for the use of their Music Department practice and recital rooms.  

YMS Awards

YMS awards are modest but effective and are available to those in real need. . Over the last few years YMS has been able to award an average total of £3,500 giving financial support to some twenty young people. Happily, a relatively small sum can enable a fifteen minute lesson to be increased to half an hour, a broken instrument to be repaired or a young musician to join in at a music residential and experience ensemble playing for the first time – all potentially life-changing.

Application for Awards 2024/25

  1. Applicants must be aged under 19 on 1st September 2025
  2. The closing date for applications is 3rd November 2024.
  3. Teacher’s references should be received no later than 10th November 2024.
  4. Applicants will be informed of the time of their audition no later than 17th November 2024.  An early or late time slot may be requested.
  5. Auditions will be held at West Buckland School on Saturday 23rd November 2024

The Audition & Award

The audition itself will take 10-15 minutes according to grade. There are three professional musicians on the Audition Panel led by YMS Artistic Director Ambrose Miller. Candidates will be asked to perform two short contrasting pieces. The candidate may also be asked to play scales etc at their grade level and to tell the panel a bit about themselves. An accompanist will be available on the day and the candidate will need to supply the music in advance. Teachers are most welcome to attend and to accompany if this is preferred. Parents of candidates younger than 12 years old will be able to sit in on the audition if they wish.

The auditioning panel will be looking for real potential and/or outstanding ability, together with enthusiasm and a broader interest in classical music beyond the chosen instrument. It is important that the candidate’s teacher or referee can confirm these attributes.

Whilst the student is auditioning, the parent(s) or guardian will be invited to discuss the student’s specific needs and aspirations with members of the YMS Committee. If applying for a financial award, no documents are required but please be prepared to discuss the family situation, the degree of financial need and the use to which an award would be put. Applications for awards are dealt with in the strictest confidence.

After The Audition

Candidates will be contacted by e-mail within a week or so of the audition. If YMS decides, at its sole discretion, that a financial award is appropriate, payment will be made by online bank transfer and you will be asked to provide your bank details. 
A financial award is only made in cases of actual need. 

Concerts and Opportunities to Perform in 2024-25

Tickets for concerts are £20 but FREE for YMS students and all under 19s, £5 for an accompanying adult

  • November 10th – get in the mood for the auditions with The Paddington Piano Trio who are giving a concert at West Buckland starting at 5pm on Remembrance Sunday.
  • December 7th – The European Union Chamber Orchestra led by Director Hans-Peter Hofmann are giving a special Christmas Concert at West Buckland School.  A few lucky string players will be invited to rehearse during the afternoon and perform Holst’s Brook Green Suite with them at their 5pm concert. 
  • January 26th –  A Sunday afternoon concert for family and friends at the Queen’s Theatre Gallery Café will feature as many YMS musicians as possible.  Callum Smart (violin) and Richard Uttley  (piano) who are giving a concert at the theatre at 5pm, will sit in on our concert and offer encouragement and advice, as well as answering questions about life as a professional musician.
  • March 23rd – The renowned Villiers Quartet presents a programme of Haydn, Ravel and Schubert’s ‘Death and the Maiden’.  The concert at the Queen’s Theatre will start at 5pm.  The following day before leaving North Devon, the Quartet will visit one of the local schools to give a concert.

Students learning orchestral instruments are encouraged to join North Devon Music Centre for ensemble playing (weekly, Wednesday after school).

Advanced musicians (Grade 5 and above) are encouraged to join one of the Devon County ensembles – Devon Youth Symphony Orchestra (DYSO), concert strings orchestra (DYCO), the wind band (DYWO) or the jazz band (DYJO).  They hold their gatherings on Saturday, once a month in Exeter. 
Visit    Devon Youth Jazz Orchestra – The place to learn jazz in Devon (

YMS mentors are available to advise on issues related to music education.